Penyuluhan Penanaman Hidroponik Vertikal Sebagai Upaya Ketahanan Pangan di Desa Gelam, Kecamatan Candi, Kabupaten Sidoarjo
Kata Kunci:
Vertical Hydroponics, Food Security, Land UtilisationAbstrak
Gelam Village, located in Candi Subdistrict, Sidoarjo Regency, is one of the villages with a food security program. However, Gelam Village faces the challenge of dry soil conditions, which impacts agricultural productivity. This situation can be addressed by utilizing vertical hydroponic technology to grow various types of vegetables and horticultural plants efficiently and sustainably. Vertical hydroponics do not require soil and only use nutrient-enriched water, making it an effective solution for less fertile soil conditions amid environmental limitations. In developing the food security program in Gelam Village, Group 9 of KKN UPN 'Veteran' Jawa Timur provided training, assistance, and socialization to the women's farming group in Gelam Village on vertical hydroponic planting techniques. After the socialization and training on vertical hydroponic planting, the women's farming group gained new insights into methods of planting and caring for plants through vertical hydroponics. This program can increase local food availability and emphasize the importance of equipping residents with the knowledge to turn limited land into a promising venture.