Design and Analysis of Point of Sales Information System for CV XYZ: A Case Study


  • Nono Heryana Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
  • Ali Mabruri Universitas Primagraha
  • Suwito Pomalingo Universitas Multimedia Nusantara


point of sales, information system, design, analysis, user requirements, business processes, inventory management


This research aims to design and analyze a point of sales information system for CV XYZ. The research method used is observation and interview to obtain information about business processes and user requirements. In addition, system requirements analysis and system design are also carried out, including database design, user interface, and system functionality.

The result of this research is the design and implementation of a point of sales information system that meets user needs and business processes in CV XYZ. This system has features such as inventory management, sales recording, customer management, and sales reporting. Additionally, the system has a user-friendly interface that is easy to use by the users.

It is expected that the implementation of this point of sales information system can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes and facilitate information management in CV XYZ.


