Analisis Nilai Hasil Terhadap Waktu Pada Proyek Konstruksi Gedung Bertingkat Tinggi


  • Aaron Mahulae Universitas Mpu Tantular
  • Edison H Manurung Universitas Mpu Tantular
  • Abdul Mubarok Universitas Mpu Tantular


Construction Project, Control Time, Earned Value Analysis


Good time management must facilitate timely project implementation, one of which is how to analyze the output value. Result value analysis is used to forecast (forecast) how well the project will go according to thea worka plana. Thea purposea ofa thisa studya wasa toa determinea howa using earnede valuea analysis (EVA) works in estimatinga the turnaround time for weekly project completiona. The method used during the research is descriptive qualitative, the duration of the project is 36 weeks. In this study, the project completion time did not match the initial project schedule, between 1-12 weeks, the project was completed earlier than the original project. From the 13th week to the 35th week of the project, there was a delay in the initial project schedule and the evaluationw ofe projecte performancea was note goode, soe thea development plan was delayed. In the period frome weeka 1 toe weeke 35 of project implementation, there is a gap between project planning and projecte implementatione, and at week 13, the projectw completionw time is 103 days after the initial project. functionality not tested.


