Membudidayakan Wirausaha dalam Lingkup Keluarga Guna Mewujudkan Intrepreneur Keluarga

Cultivating Entrepreneurs in the Family Scope to Create Family Entrepreneurs


  • Sri Hartono Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Kata Kunci:

Entrepreneur, Family business, Education


 In the current era, many students from junior high school to college already have several personal businesses, each handed down by their families or they carry out business activities self-taught (a process for people who learn using their own ways). Entrepreneurship is an encouragement given to today's young generation in developing their personal creativity and as an individual quality improvement and changing mindset from an employee position to an entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur starting from the family is something to be proud of. The role of entrepreneurship education can motivate people to participate in development. In other words, turning a large population into development capital is done through entrepreneurship education. The Indonesian education system is constantly changing, this aims to enter the era of globalization. The increasingly fierce demands of globalization have made it more competitive, the opening of the labor market at the international level, and the quality of human resources (HR) in all areas of life, both education and industry. Another factor that affects the entrepreneurial spirit of students is the family environment. Family business encourages all successors in the family to have an entrepreneurial spirit which is indirectly related to the individuality of each generation. In the future, the entrepreneurial spirit will develop in the family and will be the first foundation of entrepreneurship.


