The Phenomenon Of Students Working Part TIme


  • Nicko Yudistira Pratama IAIN Pontianak
  • Rahmah Yulisa Kalbarini IAIN Pontianak

Kata Kunci:

Work Part Time, Students Work


The purpose of this study is to find out: 1) What are the part-time jobs selected by Sharia Economics Students IAIN Pontianak during the completion of the course. 2) What are the factors that cause Sharia Economics Students IAIN Pontianak to choose to work while studying. 3) How the strategy of Sharia Economics Students IAIN Pontianak in dividing time between work and college. 4) The risks of working part-time experienced by students. This type of research uses qualitative descriptive methods, what is meant by qualitative descriptive research is to examine circumstances, conditions or others. Data collection in this study using observation methods, interviews, and documentation to sharia economics students IAIN Pontianak work part time. The primary data obtained in this study is from students who work part time while completing college, then secondary data is obtained from books, journals, articles related to research. The results of this study are: 1) The type of work that students choose ranging from Online Business (Online Shop), Selling Pulses, Entrepreneurship, Barbering Services, Restaurants, Keep Shops, Guard Counters, Ojek Online, Laundry Employees, Tutors, Volunteer Zakat Institutions. 2) The factors that cause students are economic factors that are motivated by the family economy and economic factors to meet consumptive behavior such as wanting to buy branded goods, buying skin care, and wanting to increase snack money. 3) The student's strategy in dividing time is to regulate themselves such as receiving information before choosing to work and evaluating when getting obstacles or problems and them by arranging a schedule by managing which time becomes the priority scale that must be done first. 4) The risk they receive as a consequence is a focus that is divided between college and work, little leisure time, experiencing an insignificant decrease in GPA.


