Principles Of The Effect Of Good Corporate Governance On The Level Of Trust Of Sahibul Maal And The Impact On Behavior In Investing At KSU BMT Mujahidin Pontianak City


  • Sunitariya Sunitariya IAIN Pontianak
  • Ema Elisa IAIN Pontianak

Kata Kunci:

Good Corporate Governance, Trust, Investing


Nowadays, apart from conventional cooperatives, sharia cooperatives have emerged, one of which is Baitul Maal Wattamwil (BMT). BMT is a non-bank microfinance institution whose main activities are social and business institutions as well. Good Corporate Governance, hereinafter referred to as GCG, is a Bank governance that applies the principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility, professionalism, and fairness (Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 11 /33/PBI/2009).So that the research phenomenon that researchers find, the researcher can formulate the research problem as follows related to the extent to which good corporate governance conditions can affect the level of trust and customer behavior. This study uses a quantitative approach to the research method used in this paper is the causal associative method. The data analysis technique used in this study uses a questionnaire instrument test, classical assumption test, model determination test and hypothesis test.


